Environment, Sustainability and Conservation

Braxted Park Estate has in recent years emerged as a leader in environmental stewardship, nature recovery, conservation and safeguarding our heritage as well as taking an active role in the community via heritage related and educational programs and visits and charitable activities. Highlights include:

  1. An estate-wide Environmental strategy for the next 10 years
  2. The development of a 400 unit Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offering
  3. Investing in ground-breaking academic research into some of the key assets of the estate
  4. Actively participating in the Braxted and Blackwater conservation group objections to the ECC long term minerals plans
  5. Promoting the enabling development within the village of Great Braxted in 2015 to preserve the 4 ½ mile Park wall with over £1m of investment and a permanent restoration program.
  6. An ongoing 6 figure capital works budget to keep the main house building, windows and roof as well as outbuildings fit for purpose and winning various conservation and sustainability awards.
  7. The execution of a long-term Parkland Management plan to maintain and restore the parkland inside the wall to peak condition
  8. Taking a board seat on the North Essex Farm cluster.
  9. Running the anti-litter festival for local schools with the Let’s Talk Trash festival
  10. Welcoming school visits, conducting heritage related tours and hosting many charitable fundraising events.